Friday, February 3, 2017

Live By Design!

Live By Design With Katie Den Ouden!

Think back to a time where you felt fully in the moment, giddy with excitement and adventure, not a care in the world about your body or food, but rather killer confidence and contagious joy. Connected. You weren’t held back. You weren’t stuck. You weren’t confused. You weren’t weighed down. You were happy. wild. brave. free. ALIVE.
Got that moment? Now surround yourself in that moment with hundreds of other women cheering you on (go ahead, picture it), seeking together the good {great} life, and celebrating your awesomeness (no comparison, no competing). Feels pretty amazing right? It doesn’t take treadmills, cleansing, or discipline to be a part of it. Just a “yes” to yourself and a decision to stand and start (somewhere).
This is the Skinny Dip Society {a.k.a. sds}, and my friend Katie Den Ouden is so giddy to show you how to Live more By Design. Not default. I took her SkinnyDip Immersion course last year, and it was life changing. I'm *still* changing, still growing, and can't wait to go through this ten-day challenge with you. It's worth it! Are you ready to stretch yourself and make this your best year ever?
Starting February 13th, she’s offering a free 10-day Live By Design Challenge to help uncover (or discover) that part of you, your body, and your life again… in turn shedding excess weight (body + soul), being well-fed (food + soul), and feeling free and ALIVE.
Interested? How could you not be, right? :)
Just sign up for FREE here: <>.
to your freedom + joy,
*The 10-Day Challenge is completely free, but Katie offers other packages for purchase. As a KDO affiliate, I may earn a referral fee if you purchase through my link.