Friday, March 29, 2013

Chantilly's Top 300 Movies, part 3

Lego Hogwarts at ECCC
Wrapping up my top 300 favorite movies (201 - 300), again in no particular order, although this got a bit alphabetical as I started having to search through my database of DVD's, LOL. The craziest part of all? I know I've missed a bunch, especially the old classics, but I wanted to keep the list within the past 50 years or so. Did your favorites make the list(s)? What awesome movies did I miss? Let me know in the comments!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Chantilly's Top 300 Movies, part 2

A Jawa at ECCC
Continuing my top 300 favorite movies (101 - 200), again in no particular order. It does get a bit alphabetical--I started searching my database of DVD's, LOL--but that's definitely not a preferential ordering system. I know I will have missed a bunch of terrific movies, especially the old classics, but I wanted to keep the list within the past 50 years-ish, or else risk making it a top 500 instead! Hopefully I don't have any duplicates, but if you spot any, give a yell. Did your favorites make the list(s)? What awesome movies did I miss? Let me know in the comments! (Part 3 next Friday, March 29, 2013)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chantilly's Top 300 Movies, part 1

Darth Vader at ECCC
Just for fun, here's a list of my top 300 favorite movies of all time, up through the end of 2012--divided into three parts so it's not quite so crazy--and in no particular order (if I tried to put them in order this post would never get published--that's crazy-making for me!) Do you see some of yours on the list? What awesome movies did I miss? Let me know in the comments! (Part 2 next Friday, March 22, 2013)

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Short Plea

This is not something I plan to do on a regular basis, but while I was adding my links to the Links page, I was thinking about the charities I have listed there. It's always dicey bringing up donations and charitable giving--whether it's of time, money, or materials. Everyone has their own causes to support, their own worries, needs, and obligations. I understand. I do, too.

However, while the topic was on my mind, I wanted to post just a short plea, not to necessarily request donations for the charities I have listed (though if you are so moved, that would be mega-awesome!), but rather to request that if you're able, even if it's just $1 or an hour of your time, give it somewhere sometime this week. It doesn't have to be a huge amount or a big time commitment to make an enormous difference in someone else's life. If every capable person on the planet gave just half-an-hour to help someone else in need, think of the things we could accomplish!

It doesn't even have to be financial or a labor commitment at all. How about going down to give blood? Or changing your status on your driver's license to that of an organ donor. I know no one likes to think about that, but if the worst should happen, at least that tragedy could have a positive outcome for someone else. Or give up your seat on the bus or train for a pregnant woman, an elderly person, or maybe just someone who looks frazzled and has their hands full. Smile at a Grumpy Gus. Pass along whatever kindnesses you can. They will add up, from the smallest little thing to the largest.

Sending you thanks and smiles for making the world a brighter place,

Friday, March 8, 2013

Emerald City ComicCon Wrap Up 2013

LeakyCon ~ 2011
Orlando, FL
Yes, I'm a geek. Being a romance author does not negate that fact! I'm the biggest Harry Potter nerd in history, but I also enjoy other fandoms, like Star Wars, Star Trek, and more. And I looooove fan conventions. My favorite of all-time is LeakyCon, the major Harry Potter fan conference, which is put on by Melissa Anelli and The Leaky Cauldron. This June I'll attend my fourth LeakyCon in Portland, Oregon, and if I can scrape up the travel funds, I'll also be at the second one they're holding this year... in LONDON! Oh, yeah, baby.

But HP conferences are for another post. This one is about ComicCon.

My family and I attended the Emerald City ComicCon (ECCC) this past weekend. What a blast! This marked our second ComicCon, last year being our first. My primary reason for having us go, originally, was for my son's benefit. He's an incredible artist, a writer, a gamer, and he loves all sorts of fandoms represented at ComicCon, so I figured it would be a natural fit. I was surprised when I had to badger him into going.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chantilly White's Blog Updates

Just a quick little note:

The Links page has been updated and now includes the links to fellow authors (friends and chaptermates), my organizations, the publishing industry, charitable organizations I support, a few of my favorite research sites, and other fun stuff I enjoy around the web, including my favorite Harry Potter sites. If you find any dead links, please leave a comment on the home page.